Should You Reject Medicines Because of Faith? What you need to Know!

Have you ever had symptoms biting harder by the day? 

What should you do? “Faith it” or seek medical attention fast?

Should you reject medicines because of faith?

No doubt, healing by faith is real.

Right on the streets of ancient Israel, our Lord Jesus began what would forever change the health dynamics of all who would dare to believe Him.

His public ministry spanned just three years, but he went ahead, shattering strongholds of disease and demonic oppression more than at any period in history.

Folks came with sunken bodies, deaf ears, wobbled feet, and dysfunctional sight. They knew an encounter with Him would change their story.  

Does divine healing still happen?

Though many, even believers, doubt divine healing, it still works today.

We’ve heard of testimonies of terrific healings in local assemblies and at crusades where faith is preached!

God’s healing power is still as potent as it was when Jesus walked the face of the earth over 2000 years ago!

And even beyond healing, the Lord delegated His authority to every believer.

Oh! May we come to the reality that believing in the name of Jesus grants us the authority to cast out demons and heal the sick.

Jesus said, “If anyone believes in my name, he shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover!” (Mark 16:17-18).

Now, believers can stand upon the authority of God’s Word and receive divine healing. In fact, supernatural healing is bread for you as a believer (Matthew 15:26).

Should I now do away with medicines because of faith?

Now to this salient question:

“Should I disregard medication because I’m believing God for healing?”

You see, taking medicines is not a sin, nor is it a faith killer. 

Rev. Hagin of Blessed Memory, who taught divine healing extensively, said he’d never tell believers not to take medicine when necessary. 

Should You Reject Medicines Because of Faith? What you need to Know! Share on X

Sunday School Teacher, Pastor Ayo Omosehin, noted that God even gave wisdom to medical professionals to come up with vaccines, medications, and life-saving procedures.

Thus, medical interventions don’t translate to faithlessness.

Nonetheless, this doesn’t imply that medicines are God’s intention for you. He didn’t make man sickness-prone—the fall did! 

A word of wisdom 

It would be rash for a believer to stop taking recommended medications on the premise of “Now I’ve got faith, I don’t care about those drugs any more!”

It would be rash for you to stop taking recommended medications on the premise of “Now I’ve got faith, I don’t care about those drugs any more!” Share on X

Our dear father in the faith, Pastor Emeka Egwuchukwu, says it’s wrong to refuse medical intervention when necessary.

He advised that it’s better you keep building up your faith until the physician can attest that you don’t have the sickness anymore! 

He shared a real-life case of a young female student who broke her recommended eyeglasses because she probably listened to a message on faith and assumed she could now move mountains.

She paid dearly for this. In fact, she failed her exams because she wasn’t able to read thoroughly.

Faith has to enter your heart!

Many who claim they have faith are not near it all. Faith has to enter the heart before it works.

It is an unshakable assurance of the heart anchored on God’s Word.

In fact, at this point, the question should transcend whether you should take drugs or not when you’re sick.

Your target should be to keep growing in faith to the point where even demons know you’ve got faith!

Keep building up your faith until the physician can attest that you don’t have the sickness anymore!  Share on X

Pastor Omosehin says, “Mountains respond to the faith that’s in the heart.” (See Mark 11:23).

You see, mental assent or just capitalizing on a faith testimony is not enough. You need unshakable confidence in God’s Word. The Word must be more real to you than that pain. 

And when faith has dug deep enough into the heart, the outflow will be an unshakable, Spirit-inspired conviction that medicine is not the solution—but God’s Word! 

If you’re not here yet, please keep building your faith as you take your medications too! 

So, soak yourself in the Word by reading, listening, meditating, and confessing! 

When faith permeates your heart, the outflow will be an unshakable, Spirit-inspired conviction that medicine is not the solution—but God’s Word!  Share on X

Also, talk to God about what you’re going through, and wait upon the Holy Spirit till you can receive the word of assurance from your spirit.

It’s also great to note that medicine shouldn’t become a substitute for faith!

You see, mental assent or just capitalizing on a faith testimony is not enough. You need unshakable confidence in God’s Word. Share on X

God is our healer, whether or not we take medicines. Recall that scriptures describe our natural bodies as belonging to the Lord; thus, He’s provided all that’s needed for your healing.

How to Grow Your Faith for Healing

Lasting faith is usually not instantaneous. It’s a spiritual force that grows through diligent engagement with the Word. 

Recommended Reading:
71 Scriptures for Healing, Financial Provision, Success, and Victory Over Fear

25 Timeless and Life-changing Truths About Faith

The 3 Types of Faith in the Epistles (And Their Impact on the Believer)

Rev. Hagin once shared how a lady who had a health condition kept listening to a message on healing for six months.

She kept the message playing over and over again until faith sprung up in her heart. 

She became perfectly healed.

You see, as you fellowship with the Word, your confidence in God will increase, and your faith will soar.

So the best thing to do is to start where you are. Start trusting God for seemingly little things.

Got a little pain?

Don’t make medicine your first point of call. Speak God’s Word over it in faith.

The Word of God assures us that we, in Jesus Christ, are already healed from all present and future illnesses. 

Keep your focus on God’s Word above all else! Faith demands we become Word addicts.

The more you hear, the more faith arises in your heart, and the more you’ll break forth in health and vitality.

A Wrap-Up

Now, more than the question of whether to use medicines or not, what matters is discerning your faith level.

As noted earlier, the wise thing to do is to seek medical intervention when you fall sick. 

But the Lord wants you to grow to a height where you are so strong in faith and don’t need medications anymore.

So, dear friend, keep growing your faith.

God bless you!

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  1. Gift Chïsømãgå Emejuru says:

    This is beautiful 🥺 and such a great help!

  2. Gift Chïsømãgå Emejuru says:

    “Got a little pain? Don’t make medications your first point of call. Speak God’s word over it in Faith” 🙌

  3. Kate Richard says:

    This is so much Blessing… Thank you Jesus…

  4. Owoseni Elizabeth says:

    Such a great help🥺 the more I hear the more my faith arises WOW 😯
    Thank you Jesus 🙇‍♀️

  5. Chinonye Kaobimdi says:

    This is so amazing
    Thank you

  6. Adetunbi Joseph says:

    Build your faith.🙏🙏

  7. Olorunsaye Glory says:

    I was really blessed by this.God bless the writers.It helped stir up my faith and see the need to read scriptures.

  8. That’s correct. An answer also to my prayers regarding medication and healing that I must endure. I will wait on God and when I am ready I will self heal via the Holy Spirit

  9. Chidiogor Nwafor says:

    Reading this in 2025 and I’m happy I found it. Funny how this question has stayed in my heart for years but I’m glad I now have a clear understanding about it. From what I just read, I don’t think faith comes instantaneously but from deliberate effort from a diligent seeker. Thank you so much for this.