Welcome to a haven of Grace and Truth.
Always a place to be!
The most important place to be is where God’s Word is dispensed in love, truth, and in power. Dispensing the Word under the auspices of the Holy Spirit is the culture at the New and Living Way Church. At the NLWC, the Word of God is accompanied by manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit including the gift of tongues and interpretation as well as healing (1 Corinthians 12:7-11)
We believe God to come into all His will for us as individuals and as a local assembly. Overall, we envision ourselves growing into the fullness of God.

In pursuit of the Eternal Promise
God is preparing a people on the earth whose values transcend the present. This is our drive at the New and Living Way Church.
Our focus rises above materials of the present life. Our eyes are fixed on the everlasting kingdom. Our undying quest is to inherit GOD.
Join us online every Sunday!
We look forward indeed to having you with us.
Our Centres
Charity Pavilion
1-3, VIP Estate, Omonile-VIP Zone, Abule Ado, Lagos-Badagry, Expressway, Lagos.
Ikorodu, Lagos
15 Alhaji Jimoh Olosugbo Close, Off Kokoro Abu Street, Grammar School Bus Stop, Off Obafemi Awolowo Way, Lagos
Jos, Plateau
28, Rock Haven, Close to PW, Jos North.
Port Harcourt
Harry Plaza, LNG Road, Amadi, P/Harcourt