How to be Led by the Spirit of God: Reading Challenge Review
A few weeks ago, we started the reading challenge. We explored How to Be Led by the Spirit of God by Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin.
Now it’s time to share your experience.
It’s book review time!
- What did you learn?
- How have you become more sensitive to leading?
- Are there questions about leading you’d love to get answers to?
Feel free to drop your thoughts and questions in the comments section.
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See you in the comments. God bless you! 👍
So blessed by this book. I can see that leading is for every child of God and not just for some super believers out there. Thank you Papa Hagin for following the leading of the Spirit and teaching us how to do so.
Thank GOD I read this book, I was blessed.
• I learnt that the primary way GOD communicates with us is through our inward witness.
• I was reminded that I am a spirit, I have a soul and I live in a body, my spirit is what becomes a new creature not my soul or body, my soul must be renewed or restored. It is the Word of GOD that saves our soul and renews our mind. Our spirit is a new man with the life and nature of GOD in it, it is a safe guide. But a person who has not been born again can not follow the voice of his spirit. The spirit is still unregenerate.
• I learnt that we have no right to determine how GOD communicates with us, He communicate with us as He pleases, else the devil can take the form of light and mislead us.
• I also learnt that the Spirit of GOD and the Word of GOD agree, anytime the Spirit of GOD speaks to us, it will always be in line with the Word. We should not primarily seek voices. We can educate our spirits just as our minds too
My first lesson from How to be Led by the Spirit of God is that there is a way God has designed that New Testament believers be led—not through prophets, but through their regenerated spirits. I’m really seeing the need to pay more attention to my born-again human spirit because that is the sphere leading will come from.
Furthermore, Prov. 20:27 man’s spirit is the candle (or lamp) of the Lord. And it thus implies that God wants to lead me by the Holy Ghost through my spirit. I saw that a lot of work has been done in my spirit which is now a new man in Christ. And the information that comes from that new man (my spirit) can be relied upon without reservation.
Great volume!
I trust God for help on this adventure of leading!
For me, the thing that stood out the most was where he wrote about the man that drinks hot coffee without taking breaks in the morning and how he related it to searing your conscience with hot iron… The summary of it was keeping your spirit tender. After then, I’ve received so much instructions on keeping my spirit tender and not doing things against my conscience.
I have been immensely blessed by the book and the series in Sunday School as well. Papa Hagin taught that the primary way God lead us as His children is through our inward witness.
The lesson opened my eyes to the importance of my person as a spirit and as one whose spirit is Life because of righteousness. Hence, I need to fetch life from my spirit man, because it knows the things of God. I should be conscious that the Holy spirit is indwelling in my spirit and He wants to guide me in my daily life, even in little things and it comes through nudging, impressions, knowings, promptings and the likes. I learnt that the reason for the leading of the spirit is for my soul to be saved.
Also, for my soul to easily pick the things of God in my spirit man, I need to get myself acquainted with the word of God.
1.I learned that Man is a spirit, has a soul, and lives in a body.
My Spirit was regenerated when I became born again and it became a new creature and that doesn’t need saving. It’s my soul that needs saving and it’s a process.
The Lord wants to save my soul by leading me through the inward witness which is the primary way in which God leads.
2.Hmm By being conscious of the fact that For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.(Romans 8:14). And
(Romans 8:16)The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God
I want to be a son (Daughter) Of God. I want to come into the natures of God. I strongly believe that the Holy Ghost is not a superstition.