6 Covenant Promises for You as a Believer

The Son of God embodies God’s promises in this present age and that which is to come.
The promises of God in the Old and New Testaments are fulfilled in Him for the Church.
That said, our faith must never be based on something that isn’t sure. The blood-enacted covenant is our anchor and foundation.
6 Covenant Promises for You as a Believer Share on XGod has done all He needs to do in giving; it is now left for us to receive!
So, here are six promises to explore as a believer, based on the covenant of God’s Word.
Let’s get right in.
Jesus is the embodiment of God’s promises in this present age, and that which is to come. Share on X#1: The Promise of Forgiveness of Sin and its Effects
As believers, it is important to believe the promise of God for the forgiveness of sin.
Many believers are ravaged by guilt. They can’t just forgive themselves.
But guilt is detrimental to our spiritual health as children of God.
It will keep you from receiving God’s best.
It’s great to realize that Jesus has made you worthy by his blood!
Of course, this isn’t a license to live in sin.
Guilt is detrimental to your spiritual health as a child of God.It will keep you from receiving God’s best. Share on XBut what we bring to you is the message of forgiveness of sin, which God has provided in His Word.
Therefore, hold on to God’s promises and receive his abundant mercy and forgiveness today.
Scriptures for meditation:
Ephesians 1:7
Col. 1:14
Col. 2:13
#2: The Promise of Healing
Sicknesses and diseases are not God’s will for you!
Christ has done all to perfect your healing by His death on the cross.
You need to develop unshakable faith in the healing provision Christ’s death has ratified for you! Share on XCircumstances are real, but the covenant is the greatest reality!
God’s promises are more real than anything you might be passing through.
So, stay on the promises of God concerning your healing.
Scriptures for meditation:
Isaiah 53:5
Matthew 8:16
Act 10:38
1 Pet. 2:24
#3: The Promise of Deliverance from Curses
Are you aware you have been delivered from curses?
The Word of God says so, and it is the absolute truth.
Christ’s death has made you free from any kind of curse.
Thus, you don’t need any other deliverance program!
You need not even be scared of family or inherited curses.
Christ’s death has made you free from any kind of curse. You don’t need any other deliverance program! Share on XGod has delivered you, so hold on to the promises of God for your deliverance today.
Scriptures for meditation:
Galatians 3:13-14
Ephesians 1:3
#4: The Promise of Provision
Beloved, all your needs are met in Christ.
And that’s the rock-solid truth.
You just need to receive all that the Lord has provided for you by faith.
Would you receive God’s promises of provision today?
Hold on to His Word!
Scriptures for meditation:
Philippians 4:19
Matthew 6:30-33
Matthew 10:29-31
#5: The Promise of Victory over evil spirits and all the powers of the Enemy
Many believers are still scared of demons, familiar spirits, and diabolical machinations.
But Christ has given you victory over them all.
We have been delivered from evil spirits through Jesus’ death on the cross.
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The Lord has set us free! Hallelujah!
So, we need not be afraid of demons, principalities, powers, or spiritual wickedness.
We only need to step into our deliverance through the knowledge of the covenant.
As believers, we have been delivered from evil spirits through Jesus' death on the cross. Share on XWe have victory in Christ!
Scripture for meditation:
Colossians 1:13
Luke 10:19-21
Colossians 2:15
#6: The Promise of Peace
The Father has promised us His peace.
Despite all that is happening in the world today, we can have peace in our souls.
God wants us to live a life void of worry, agitation, and turmoil.
It is time to hold on to the covenant of peace concerning you in every area of your life! Share on XThere’s a provision for us to end well in everlasting life and inherit eternal life.
This is because it is in the covenant and has been paid for.
It is time to hold on to the covenant of peace concerning you in every area of your life!
Scriptures for meditation:
John 14:27
Act 10:36-38
Isaiah 26:3
Psalm 119:165
Final Word
This is to mention a few of God’s promises towards us as His people.
There are many more promises in the Scriptures to feast your heart upon.
The fact is, God will fulfill His promise to us because of His Son Jesus Christ.
The Son of God has made us worthy by his blood!
As you keep developing your faith in these promises, founded upon His covenant, you will live in victory over sickness, disease, fear, and every dart of the enemy.
Keep triumphing in Christ Jesus.
Victory is yours!
What a wonderful word.