4 Reasons God Wants You to Grow Up Spiritually (and Without Delay)

Have you ever been with some cute babies? You’d love to stay with those charming souls all day.
Yet, with the comeliness babies exude, no mother wants her child to remain in that state.
It even becomes an issue of concern when a baby isn’t growing. No parent wants to see his or her child wearing a diaper at age five.
Now, just as parents love to see their children grow, God is even more interested in your growth as His child.
Why is God particular about your growth, and that of the church at large?
We will examine four reasons why our growth is so dear to the Father’s heart.
Let’s jump right in.
4 Reasons God Wants You to Grow Up Spiritually Share on X#1: Growth is your passport to the spiritual inheritance
Eternal inheritance is real. It’s the commodity that satisfies man’s soul. It’s priceless. It’s God Himself.
Interestingly, God wants us to inherit Him. That’s why He sent His Son so that we can become partakers of His glory. See Hebrews 2:10 and 2 Peter 1:4.
However, no one can access this inheritance as a baby in the spirit. It takes a son to come into an inheritance.
The Father wants souls that are not just seeking biscuits and candy. He is looking for hearts that pant after Him. He is seeking sons.
A wealthy father will naturally not give an inheritance to a child. Why? The child doesn’t even know what it means. He, therefore, waits until that child reaches maturity.
The Father wants souls that are not just seeking biscuits and candy. He is looking for hearts that pant after Him. Share on XHence, we need to come of age in the spirit!
We must grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18).
Apostle Paul, writing to the Corinthians, expressed his desire to be able to speak with them as mature believers (1 Corinthians 3:1). Yet he was prevented from being able to do so because of their carnality.
They could not access that level of inheritance in God because they were still babies.
If we do not grow up in the Spirit, we cannot become true sons of God.
The Lord desires many sons who have grown to become like Jesus in their souls.

Did you know Jesus was a man like us who kept growing up spiritually until He became Christ? If he had remained a baby in the manger or a child, He wouldn’t have pleased the Father.
Of course, it took His obedience to free us from the bondage of death. He wants us to also follow in His footsteps and obey.
He wants to have us as His fellows so we can inherit His life (John15:15).
God is interested in our growth so we can come into everlasting and eternal inheritance like His Son Jesus Christ.
Isn’t that something to be excited about?
#2: No growth, No authority
There’s a lot of fuss on the topic of authority or dominion in the church today.
But authority can only rest on a Church that has grown in the spirit.
We can’t focus our energy on trivial matters like tribalism, partiality, ambition for positions, sentiments, and all such things and expect to have dominion.
Growth is the heartbeat of God for His Church.
God will not waste His authority over a people that will use it for personal ambitions or self-aggrandizement.
We can’t focus our energy on tribalism, nepotism, self-ambition, sentiments, and all such things, and expect to have authority in the spirit. Share on XHe wants to be sure we are grown and mature enough to handle His authority, so we do not use these gifts to spite one another.
The Lord wants you to rate your brothers and sisters better than yourself.
We must never show ourselves to be better than any of our brethren. We must resist any voice telling us that we are better than others.
The Lord Jesus remained meek throughout His earthly sojourn. He never insisted on His right, even though He was God.
He submitted Himself to being made. We must do the same so that we can come into the authority God desires for us.
God will not waste His dominion over a people that will use it for personal ambitions. Share on XGod wants to unleash His power, but we can get harmed if we are not prepared for it.
I perceive strongly in my spirit that God wants to give us His great power, might, authority, and grace, but He is waiting for us to grow so that we don’t waste His resources.
READ ALSO: Preparing for the Coming Glory: 8 Things to Take to Heart as Believers
#3: Your spiritual capacity increases as you grow
It takes growth to endure all the conditions listed in 2 Corinthians. 6:1-13.
These are the conditions Apostle Paul endured as he laboured over the church.
The last verse of the above passage shows us Paul’s heart: he desired that the church grow and be enlarged in her capacity for God.
Stunted growth in the spirit should be of deep concern to us because it will limit our spiritual capacity.
God is not happy whenever we are unconcerned about our growth. The fact that God desires to give us His throne shows how much faith He has in us.
Stunted growth in the spirit should be of deep concern to us because it will limit our spiritual capacity. Share on XThere’s so much the Lord wants to commit into our hands, but we lack the capacity to handle them because we’ve not grown as we ought.
#4: He has made all things available
Are you wondering if it’s possible to gladden God’s heart?
Have you ever wondered how possible it is to sit on the heavenly throne where Christ is?
Surprisingly, Jesus has given us everything we need to please God. He has provided everything necessary to make us sit on the throne at the right hand of the Father!
He has prepared everything we need to grow spiritually.
Dear friends, we must maximize the resources that the Son of God has provided for our raising.
One of the reasons we haven’t grown up is because we are tossed to and fro by many distractions (Ephesians 4:14).
The devil fights us so that we can relegate growth and focus on carnal things.
We cannot please God without faith (Heb. 11:6), and to have this faith, we must receive its substances. We must have an attitude of diligence and doggedness toward the word of God.
We must learn to subject ourselves to the discipline of hearing the word. The Devil robs us through different avenues because he knows the importance of the word. His target is to rob us of the divine resources Christ has provided for our ascension to the throne.
The Devil seeks to rob us of the divine resources Christ has provided for our ascension to the throne Share on XFurther admonitions…
A biblical prescription for fruitfulness
Is there any believer who hates to be fruitful? I doubt if there’s anyone.
2 Peter 1:5-8 shows us the virtues we must possess to be fruitful.
Many women become worried when they don’t conceive after years of marriage. But it is even more deadly and pitiable to be barren in the spirit, or lack spiritual fruits.
What is more worrisome is that most believers are unconcerned when they are unfruitful. This is a great height of ignorance that the Devil has wrought.
God wants to raise sons and daughters, but we must come to the school of learning. We must make ourselves available for what the Lord wants to do in us.
Many women become worried when they don’t conceive after years of marriage. But it is even more pitiable to be barren in the spirit. Share on XIt’s time to cry out to the Lord until we come to a place of fruitfulness in Him.
2 Peter 1:5-8 is the prescription for fruitfulness and we must ensure that these verses of scripture become a reality in our lives.
The Father needs you!
The Lord needs your cooperation more than ever before.
Our cooperation is in submitting ourselves to the dealings of the Lord.
The Lord is up to something! Obediences are hanging. Heaven wants us to be swift in obedience.
Procrastination is eating our garments. It bars us from coming into these garments.
So, let’s be quicker. That instruction has been delayed for too long.
Cry out for help! Grace is available! God is desiring trees of righteousness that will conquer all His enemies.
Trees that will not fall, trees that will not compromise.
Heaven is pregnant.
When a woman is pregnant and her belly protrudes by 6-7 cm, there is hope for her to give birth.
Heaven wants to push; heaven wants to give birth, but they are waiting for us. Let us prepare. Let us put our houses in order.
Heaven wants to push; heaven wants to give birth, but they are waiting for us. Let us prepare. Let us put our houses in order. Share on XThey want to come. Visitation is coming.
Let us prepare the house; the house is you and me. And as a church, we are a house.
It’s time to carry out every obedience required for our growth!

Closing thoughts…
There is an urgency in the spirit for you to grow.
It’s a great concern to the Lord when you are not growing and attaining stature in the spirit.
The Lord asks, “How long will my Church continue to see me as a baby in the manger?”
“I am no longer a baby in the manger,” says the Lord.
It is shortsighted to limit our relationship with God to the goodies He can provide.
God is in search of people who will make Him glad.
We must genuinely ask ourselves,
“Am I growing at all?”
“Am I paying attention to my growth in the spirit?”
These are the thoughts foremost in God’s heart.
Sonship is not conferred by mere confessions. The mantle of sonship comes as we obey the Spirit.
Heaven is pregnant. I see “graces” that God wants to clothe us with.
However, flesh cannot wear these garments of authority. Flesh cannot wear garments of everlasting strength!
I hear in my spirit, “Grow out of carnality, jealousy, anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness.”
It’s time to grow out of flesh!
Don’t waste time anymore.
It’s time to grow!
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Thanks for the message about growth of Spirit
I was really blessed. I have seen that the Lord desires that I grow up so that i can have His eternal inheritance.
I’m greatly blessed. Thank God