Understanding Our Birth Process into the Father
Fear is a tool that the enemy uses to keep us in bondage. The prince of this world has woven a lot of things in us that make us up as a result of fear. When we begin to live in response to fear, we are stepping out of faith. Whenever a man is living by fear, He is not living by faith.
We have been commanded not to fear (Isa. 41:10). Jesus kept telling His disciple not to fear even, while He was with them (John 6:20) because He knows fear will take man away from the perfect law of liberty (James 1:25).
Fear makes us take thoughts for our lives. A man needs to be baptized in the spirit of faith and constantly believe to eradicate fear in the heart. We were commanded not to take thoughts for our lives (Matt 6:25) so that fear can be dealt with in our hearts.
“But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” (John 14:26). This scripture speaks specifically about the Holy Spirit being the Comforter. The coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Acts 2:4) was not His final coming. Rather, that coming was the initial introduction of His presence in our lives, as we still have many of His comings to experience in our lives.
The Holy Spirit still comes, but not like in the day of Pentecost, when He fulfilled the prophecy of Joel (Joel 2:28-29). The day of Pentecost was the beginning of the countdown towards the last day. The last day is not about the earthquakes, shakings and other terrible events that will take place on the earth. There is the day of God, the day of the Son of God and the day of the Spirit. The day of the Spirit is the last day.

The day where the prophecy of Joel began its fulfillment at Pentecost was the beginning of the day of the Spirit called “the last day”. The last day is to reveal what God is doing and not what Satan is doing because what God is doing is more important than the evil happening. Although, it was written that perilous times will come on the last day (2 Tim. 3:1), the last day is also the day of glory. The last day is a day that God is manifesting His glory, even in the midst of gross darkness.
The Father sent the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost but not in the revelation of His name. The coming of the Holy Spirit in our present days is in the name of the Lord (Matt. 18:20). “In my name” reveals the person of God. The gathering of two or more people in God’s name is the gathering in His presence and His name will be declared in the midst of the brethren (Heb. 2:12).
For His name to be declared, the Holy Spirit has to be sent in His name. The throne has to authorize what needs to be done in bringing the person of God, for the presence of God must be revealed by His authority.
Many seasons came and birthed certain moves of the Spirit in the body of Christ and stirred hunger in the souls of men but those seasons did not register the person of God in their souls. As a result of this, the experiences dissipated and the soul could not sustain and hold on to those moves of the Spirit.
The disciples of the Lord were established in the name of the Lord and certain covenants were cut in their souls. Hence, they could relate with Paul’s messages when he started preaching Christ because he had been with the Lord. Those moves of the Spirit were not moves of the Holy Ghost sent in the name of the Lord, but there is a move of the Holy Ghost to declare the name of the Lord.
“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost…” (Matt. 28:19). The name of the Holy Ghost is a person, for names are attached and given to persons. The name of the Holy Ghost is the person of Jesus. The person that God manifested to His Son at a certain age (probably between 12 to 27 years of age) was the person of Jesus. But after this age, the person of Christ was manifested in Him. By the time He got to Jordan, He was living by the commandments of everlasting life (Matt. 3:17).
All these also apply to us, for our life is a book (Rev. 20:12). The declaration of the beloved Son reveals the Son whom the Father has adopted. This was the beginning of the Son of God who is the everlasting Son. The life of the Son of God is a book; He was Jesus who became Christ. Becoming Christ was a transition – from Jesus, He accessed the anointed life (Christ).
We need to live the anointed life otherwise Satan will trap us. We are supposed to live under the anointing, which means living a manner of life that can escape the hold of satan. The name of Christ is a lifestyle, which a man needs to be initiated into. This lifestyle is to wrought a spiritual work in us which will enable us to please God in all ways, for we are living for a divine purpose.
The life of Christ is a life that reveals the life of the unseen realm. Naturally, we live by and express what is embedded in us. If we live by the truth, we will express the same in our lifestyle. To be consistent with Christ, there is a need to hold on to the mystery of faith (1 Tim. 3:9).
At the time Jesus was on earth, the church was not ready for the revelation of His person. Hence, He spoke to them about the coming of the Comforter (John 14:26). God’s person (nature) is what makes Him who He is. He is rich because He is rich in Himself – in mercy, grace and lots more; His riches are His person.
The church will not assume a certain spiritual stature without the revelation of the person of the Father. There is a name we call on when we are in need of carnal things. While that is good, we ought to journey to a place where we can begin to ask things concerning the person of the Father. However, we cannot do this because we have not received the revelation of His name (John 16:24). When we receive the revelation of His name, the things we will ask for are the things of His person, in order to bring us into fullness of joy. When we ask for the things of His person, they will be written in our hearts to make our joy full. The fullness of joy brings us into the life of the Father, for the joy of the Lord is our strength (Neh. 8:10).
The Holy Ghost will not come when there is no person to manifest. The coming of the Holy Ghost is to show Christ and the Father (John 15:26). Anything that is coming from the Holy Ghost has to bear witness to the Father because He proceeds from the Father. Jesus is the bosom child (John 1:18); He declared that the Father dwells in Him. As such, He became the habitation of the Father (John 14:10-11).
The dwelling of the Father in Jesus reveals the fullness of joy. When one proceeds from the Father, such cannot speak of himself. When a man speaks of himself, such is of this world and the world hears him, but Jesus speaks of the Father, for He came from the Father.
“In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.” (Eph. 2:22). This scripture means that the Father has found a habitation. Our souls must be prepared to house God. Hence, there is a need for us to put our house (soul) in order to accommodate God. God’s intention is to make us a habitation through the Spirit (1 John 4:13). The Holy Ghost births us into Christ and the Father, for with Him are birth processes. The same Holy Ghost who takes care of us at the New Birth reveals another nature when He wants to birth Christ in our soul. The Holy Ghost demonstrates and bears witness to Christ, but He can do more than this because He can carry the operations of the Godhead to term.
Our souls have a capacity to carry the things of God. Hence, we need the womb of the Holy Spirit; we need him to inhabit our souls. The Holy Spirit plants the revelation of God in our souls and also keeps it. There is something committed into His hands until the time of bringing forth. The Holy Spirit knows the condition to introduce in order to grow the incorruptible seed in our souls. He knows the right temperature to bring, and this is why we will not be tempted beyond what we can bear (1 Cor. 10:13).
The womb of the Holy Spirit is regulated by Him. This is because we must emerge and become like the One who conceived us. The Holy Spirit is the Kingdom of God! The universe was given by the Holy Spirit, but it is not in the Holy Spirit. There is something in the Holy Spirit that needs to be birthed in us.
The Father dwelling in us is the work of the Holy Spirit; He takes the incorruptible seed which is the law of the Father and births it in us. The Holy Spirit knows how to birth the fullness of Christ and the express image of the person of the Father (Heb. 1:3). When the Son appeared, God looked at the Son and recognised Him as Himself (God) (Heb 1:8-9).
There is a way the Holy Spirit envelopes the Father that He cannot envelop us now, for we do not have the things of the Father to the fullest. The implication of this is that the Holy Spirit will envelop and manifest the measure of what we have in our souls.
“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: [6] And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.” (Mal. 4:5-6). The heart was turned from His child-like nature to a Father-like nature. Our hearts will be turned as a result of spiritual laws which will make us both a father and a child. This is the conversion the Holy Spirit wants to carry out in our hearts. The little child is a “greater work”, for the womb of the Holy Ghost conditioned the birth (Luke 1:80).
The man Moses was made a law (Num. 12:7, Heb. 3:5). The Holy Spirit begins to write the law in our hearts until we grow into that spiritual man made solely for God.
Read also: The Life of Faith: A Tool for Overcoming Fear
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